Oh great, now a California police station is allowing robotic cops to patrol its parks
This is fine. Everything is fine.

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Well, we all knew this was coming – or at least, I did the day that they started rolling out robot traffic cops.
“You give robots an opening and they’ll take everything,” I said. But you wouldn’t listen. You just had me escorted out of the Applebee’s because “this was a quinceanera and we don’t know who you are.”
Oh, had you not heard that newest recruit at the Los Angeles police department is a robot? Or that it’s literally named Robocop?
Thank you Huntington Park for a warm welcome, hope everyone enjoyed the presentation. Happy to be an asset to the Huntington Park Police Department. #hprobocop #cityofHP pic.twitter.com/Y4wE0QnVR2
— HPRoboCop (@HPRoboCop) June 19, 2019
As CBS Los Angeles reports, the HP RoboCop was actually unveiled at a fun run in May and has been patrolling a park in the city for the past 5 weeks.
The robot is designed for outside use and comes equipped with 360-degree high-definition cameras that can feed live video to the department and also record footage for subsequent viewing.Police say the blue-and-white robot can provide the department with data to help lower crime, help patrol areas that officers might not have time to patrol and offer help with all kinds of investigations.
Essentially, RoboCop is an egg-shaped version of Marty, the Stop & Shop robot. Only instead of restocking cans of tomato sauce, it restocks bullets into your body. Probably.
All I’m saying is that if RoboCop isn’t already carrying a piece, he will be in the near future
Then there’ll be a whole new sheriff in town. A sheriff that never sleeps. A sheriff that never forgets. A sheriff that already knows Krav maga probably.
Even Elon Musk, noted inventor of robotic stuff, is skeptical about having actual Robocops govern over our nation’s parks.
But on the inside … pic.twitter.com/tKvRtCYiMN
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 19, 2019
I hate to say it, but I find myself firmly on team Musk once again. YOU SEE WHAT YOU’RE DOING TO ME, ROBOTS?
Are you ready to accept our robotic overlords or will you fight in the inevitable robot wars? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.
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