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A new update to Google Maps will let you know when your friend’s phone is dying

A great update for travel buddies and families.

google maps battery
Image: Unsplash

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Google Maps is helpful for quite a few things. From creating your own map and adding your own stops, to looking at your restaurant match, there are a lot of features embedded in the app. Now, the service is getting another feature – battery life monitoring.

No, not of your own phone, you can see that for yourself, dumb dumb, but instead, of your friends and family. So, let’s say you’re out and about with the fam. Little Timmy and Kelly, the older, more responsible sister (obvs) are having coffee at Starbucks, while you are down the street at a more local, hipster coffee joint.

Thanks to location sharing, you’re using Google Maps to keep up with Timtim and Kels (that’s what you call them in this story’s world) when suddenly, it goes dark. Kelly’s battery died and Timmy, being Timmy, never had his in the first place – he is always so forgetful.

Previously, this would mean slight panic mode and dashing to Starbucks to make sure everything is chill, but now, thanks to this new update, you’ll know if sharing stops because of battery issues. Well, kind of. Basically, you’ll be able to see their battery status when using the location sharing feature so if you notice it dipping into the red, a drop in location wouldn’t totally be out of the ordinary.

It’s a small quality-of-life improvement, but for friends and family that like to spend time together – apart – it’s very much welcome.

Do you use location sharing on Google Maps? What do you think of this feature? Let us know below.

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