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How to turn your WiFi password into a QR code

Finally, a good use for QR codes.

qr code for wifi password
Image: KnowTechie

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Look, we know the struggle of typing in a super-long WiFi password. What if we told you that you can turn your WiFi password into a scannable QR code?

You might have seen QR codes being used out in the wild. We’ve seen them used in restaurants to link to their menu or complimentary WiFi.

Yes, WiFi. You can put your WiFi credentials into a QR code, so all your friends or family need to do is scan the code and get access to your internet. If you want them to, that is.

Isn’t that better than having to explain how to type 7G.8rD*AmW296uX every time someone new asks to use your WiFi? We think so, and you probably will once you know what to do.

How to turn your WiFi password into a QR code

Okay, so the first thing you need is to create your QR code. There are several ways to do this.

You can use a webapp, use a Siri Shortcut to create it, or create it straight from Android’s settings menu if you’re running Android 10 or newer.

How to share your WiFi password on iOS

If you are using an iPhone or iPad, here’s how to share your WiFi password.

First, ensure you have the Shortcuts app installed
Open the app, then tap on Gallery in the bottom-rightscreenshot of ios shortcuts app
Swipe right on the carousel to get to Starter Shortcuts and tap on itscreenshot of ios shortcuts app
Scroll down to Make QR Code and tap on itscreenshot of ios shortcuts app
Tap on Add Shortcutscreenshot of ios shortcuts app
Tap on My Shortcuts in the bottom-leftscreenshot of ios shortcuts app
Then, tap on Make QR Code from the list of Shortcutsscreenshot of ios shortcuts app
Tap on Set up a Wireless Network from the list that comes upscreenshot of ios shortcuts app
Enter the name of your wireless network and tap Donescreenshot of ios shortcuts app
Then, type in the wireless network password and tap Donescreenshot of ios shortcuts app
A QR code with your wireless network details will appearscreenshot of ios shortcuts app

READ MORE: How to find saved WiFi passwords on Mac

From here, you can tap the share icon at the bottom-left. That gives you options for saving the QR code to your Photos, sharing it via AirDrop, or any messaging apps that are installed on your iPhone.

How to share your WiFi password on Android

android quick settings at the top of the screen of a smartphone
Image: KnowTechie

READ MORE: How to find saved WiFi passwords in Windows 11

Android has a built-in feature for sharing your WiFi network details, without needing any other apps.

  1. Connect to the WiFi network you want to create a QR code for
  1. Tap Settings
screenshot of android app drawer with settings app highlighted
Image: KnowTechie
  1. Then, tap WiFi or Internet
screenshot of android wifi settings
Image: KnowTechie
  1. Tap the Gear or Info icon next to your WiFi name
screenshot of android wifi settings
Image: KnowTechie

5. Tap on WiFi QR Code

screenshot of android wifi settings
Image: KnowTechie

That’ll generate a QR code you can screenshot if you want to use later or show it to your friends. You can create a new one at any time, so don’t worry if you don’t save a screenshot.

If you don’t see the QR Code option, you might have Share in its place. Tapping that will generate the same QR code with your WiFi details.

How to create a QR code to share your WiFi password from a webapp

We decided to go with the webapp QRcode-Tiger because it lets you create a vanity QR with your choice of colors, shapes, and even logos.

  1. Go to QRcode-Tiger from your desktop browser
  1. Hit the WiFi logo, then add your encryption typeSSID (network name), and password, and hit Generate QR code
Best QR code generator
Image: KnowTechie
  1. You can also edit the pattern, choose the shape of the ‘eyes'(the corner icons that your QR scanner uses for orientation), add a logo, and set colors and a frame
  1. You’ll get choices of SVG or PNG to download your QR code, and the free version needs your email as it emails your QR code file to you
  1. Print out your QR code and place it where needed

Now you won’t have to type the password in for visitors anymore. You can just get them to scan the fridge or the WiFi router.

Use QR codes to simplify your WiFi password

Once scanned, they’ll have access to your WiFi network. The default Camera app on iOS can scan QR codes, and so can Google Lens (or the Camera app on Pixels) on Android devices.

Oh, and this works even better if you have a router that lets you create a guest network, then your main network password is never shared outside of your household.

What do you think? Plan on using this method to share your WiFi password in the future? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience at KnowTechie, SlashGear and XDA Developers. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere, with particular focus in gadgetry and handheld gaming. Shoot him an email at

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