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If audio is missing from your Instagram Stories, this is probably why

Thankfully, a fix is on the way.

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Image: KnowTechie

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If you’ve been on Instagram over the past couple of days and are on an iPhone with iOS 15, you might have noticed that audio on Instagram Stories has been mysteriously missing, you’re not alone and a fix is on the way.

Essentially, what is happening is that when your iPhone is set to silent mode through the ringer switch on the side, audio on Instagram Stories is completely muted. Right now, you can even mute a video mid-viewing if you switch the ringer switch to off while watching.

It’s a small bug, but still extremely annoying for those of us mindlessly scrolling through Stories. Thankfully, Facebook is aware of the issue and is already working on a fix.

Facebook tells The Verge, “We’re aware that some people are having trouble hearing their audio in Instagram Stories. We’re working to fix this issue as quickly as possible and apologize for any inconvenience.”

The Verge also reports that some users brought up this bug during the beta period of iOS 15, so it’s a bit surprising that it is still happening with the public release, but here we are.

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