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Mophie made an expensive battery pack exclusively for the lame Palm phone

Seriously, why, just why?

jp palm battery from mophie
Image: Mophie

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When we saw that the Palm brand was coming back, with a tiny phone created to be a companion for your normal phone, there was much scratching of heads.

If you want a small screen to go with your smartphone, just spend the extra $50 and get an Apple Watch. At least then you’ll get something useful and stylish, instead of the neutered Android Palm phone with its only redeeming feature being that it just about fits in the coin pocket of your jeans.

Even more inexplicable than the Palm phone’s release, is that Mophie, maker of battery cases for iPhone and Samsung flagships, has decided to make a $60 battery case for the Palm. Was this a well thought out business decision? Who decided that, instead of making battery cases for popular handsets from Google, Huawei or Oppo, that they’d waste design and production hours on making a battery case for one of the most niche phones available.

Heck, Mophie would do better to make a battery case for the Apple Watch, as long as they can figure out how to still let the heart rate and other fitness sensors work.

Yo dawg, we heard you like tiny batteries so we put a tiny battery on your tiny battery phone

Before I continue ranting, I should take a breath to say that I can see why the three people that bought the Palm phone would want a battery case. The Palm comes with an anemic 800 mAh of battery. Just like a Hobbit’s stomach, that’s enough to just about hold out until elevenses (or maybe second breakfast, depending on how much you use the phone).

Image: Mophie

You can set the Palm to something called “Life Mode” to eke out more battery life, which turns on Airplane Mode, turning your $350 phone into a brick with a screen. Well, more of a pebble with a screen but then the mental image might run into copyright issues. If it’s not getting notifications and SMS, why even have it? Why not just turn it off instead of engaging “Life Mode,” which really sounds like a tech company laughing at us for having phone addiction issues, which they caused in the first place.

Look, if you really need extra battery life for your ill-advised Palm phone purchase, buy Mophie’s infinitely-better keyring battery bank. It’s $40, has 1,200 mAh of power and more importantly – can recharge other devices.

What do you think of the Mophie charger? Waste of time? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience at KnowTechie, SlashGear and XDA Developers. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere, with particular focus in gadgetry and handheld gaming. Shoot him an email at

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