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The Division 2 is giving Steam the cold shoulder and going with the Epic Games Store

What other big titles will follow?

the division 2 game with three characters standing on screen
Image: Ubisoft

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Look, I’ve been shouting this for weeks now, Steam should be worried. Epic Games has money, motivation, and the biggest fan base in the world right now thanks to Fortnite. Many of which are young and have not grown up with Steam and its dull blue color scheme.

Now, one of the most hyped up releases of 2019 will call the Epic Games Store home, Ubisoft’s The Division 2.

The game, which previously had a landing page on Steam, will be available through the Epic Games Store and directly from Ubisoft. People that pre-ordered the game through other outlets will still have their pre-orders fulfilled, but the company has not stated how those pre-orders will be fulfilled.

Epic Games continues to make moves

The Division 2 is just the latest game in a growing list of titles that are skipping Steam to go with direct launches and Epic Games Store placement. Previously, it was announced that Telltale’s The Walking Dead final season would call Epic’s store home, as well as Supergiant’s upcoming title, Hades.

With substantially higher payouts than Steam, visually-compelling store layout, and an ever-growing list of exclusives, Epic’s digital store will continue to shape how we consume our games in 2019 and beyond.

The Division 2 will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC (Epic Games Store and directly from Ubisoft) on March 15, 2019.

What do you think of the news? Is it expected? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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