How to boot off all the freeloaders from your Netflix account
Damn it, Alex, stop blocking The Office on all accounts.

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We’ve all been there. Shared our Netflix password with another person, fully knowing that they’ll freeload until the end of time. The friendly neighbor. The cousin. The roommate that never pays you back (for anything). While Netflix has famously said that sharing is caring, as long as the subscriber isn’t getting money in return, there’s got to be an end of your benevolence at some point.
Maybe you just moved out, or the sister you actually like wants to use your account but you’re worried about Netflix canceling your subscription because it’s seen you log in from four countries in one day (again). Whatever the reasons, it’s pretty simple to kick out those freeloaders if you so choose.
You could change the password (and you will) but that won’t stop the multitudes of devices that your ex signed in on, letting them watch Friends on repeat, screwing up your ratio for recommendations.
Operation Freeloader
- Head on over to Netflix, sign in and select your profile.
Screenshot: Joe Rice-Jones/KnowTechie
- Hover over the profile pic in the top-right corner and click on “Account”
Screenshot: Joe Rice-Jones/KnowTechie
- Scroll down to the Settings section, and click on “Sign out of all devices” and confirm.
- Now all those pesky freeloaders are signed out (including you), you’ll want to change the account password in case any of them have it saved. Log back in again and go to “Account”
- Click on the “Change password” field near the top and follow the instructions to change your account password.
Once you’re back in sole ownership of your Netflix account, it’s time to delete any profiles they might have set up. Hover over the account icon in the top right corner, and click on “Manage profiles.” Enjoy being the only person enjoying your paid-for Netflix subscription (until you want to share it again).
Will you be using these steps to stop some people from using Netflix? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.
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