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Is iOS 15.4 draining your iPhone’s battery? You’re not alone

Suffering battery drain after the update? Wait a few days before you complain to Apple.

ios 15 logo on blurred background
Image: KnowTechie

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Have you already updated to iOS 15.4? Noticed any differences in your battery life? Thought about contacting Apple? Well, you’re not alone. It seems Twitter is lighting up with reports of battery drain, and other weird tales of battery woe.

These complaints tend to happen when Apple releases a major update to iOS. Usually, it’s during the yearly iOS upgrade to the next version, but it can happen during mid-year updates like this one.

While iOS 15.4 comes with tons of new features, like Face ID when wearing a mask, and Universal Control, so you can control multiple Apple devices with one keyboard and mouse; is it worth updating if your battery life is going to be affected?

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Look at all of these unhappy Apple users. iPhone batteries are draining faster than a bathtub when the plug is pulled. Is there any hope in sight?

iOS 15.4 is destroying the battery life for all these Twitter users

Twitter users have been quick to call out Apple on battery drain issues.

Even Emojipedia seems to be subtweeting Apple

READ MORE: iOS 15.5 is here – update your iPhone ASAP

It’s not all bad news though. When Apple pushes out an iOS update, it’s not finished working once the update has run. iOS keeps optimizing in the background for a few days. That could be things like junk files removal, and finally, a battery optimization routine.

So, if you notice your battery life took a dive after updating to iOS 15.4 (or any other iOS update), wait a few days.

Once the post-update optimizations have run, your battery should go back to looking like it was before the update. If not, something else might be wrong and now it’s time to contact Apple.

READ MORE: What all the new emojis in iOS 15.4 really mean

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience at KnowTechie, SlashGear and XDA Developers. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere, with particular focus in gadgetry and handheld gaming. Shoot him an email at

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