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Facebook Messenger adds multiplayer games to video calls

Facebook Gaming lives to see another day.

The graphical user interface interacts with the application.
Image: Meta

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Facebook loves making games, and when they do, they’re already five years late to the party.

The social media giant recently revealed that they’re introducing multiplayer games for users to enjoy during Facebook Messenger calls, whether with friends, family, or sworn adversaries.

Their intention? To “strengthen bonds with friends and family by combining conversations and gameplay simultaneously,” as stated in the announcement.

Frankly, the most baffling part of the announcement is the claim that users will be able to play “your favorite games,” as if anyone actually has a preferred game on Facebook.

Honestly, the only person I can think of who genuinely enjoys Facebook gaming is my mom.

Regardless, this new Messenger feature launches with 14 games, featuring titles such as Card Wars, Exploding Kittens, Mini Golf FRVR, and Words with Friends, to mention a few.

I take my earlier statement back because Mini Golf FRVR….slaps.

To dive into the games, fire up a video call on Messenger and give that group mode a push of the button. Next, hit the “Play” icon and let your eyes feast on all the games waiting for you to explore.

Facebook ends the announcement with a call to arms, inviting developers to join the Facebook Messenger gaming revolution. So, keep an eye out for more games popping up in the future.

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Kevin is KnowTechie's founder and executive editor. With over 15 years of blogging experience in the tech industry, Kevin has transformed what was once a passion project into a full-blown tech news publication. Shoot him an email at

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