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Apple Music is finally coming to Teslas

It looks like Tesla is working on bringing Apple Music to the infotainment unit in its vehicles, without bringing CarPlay along for the ride.

tesla self-driving
Image: Pexels

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Apple Music is coming to Tesla’s in-car infotainment center. Tesla owners have long asked for the feature, but the day is nearly here.

Twitter user, Tesla fan, and owner of, Aaron Cash, was at Tesla’s exhibit at Los Angeles’ Petersen Automotive Museum when he noticed something on the Model S.

The museum exhibit has a fully-functional Model S that lets attendees experience the Tesla infotainment center. That includes games, maps, and other apps.

While poking around on the car’s infotainment center, the Apple Music logo showed on the app carousel. The icon was live, opening the Apple Music UI with a QR code to log into an Apple Music account.

It also seems that whoever last used the Model S before the museum exhibit was a fan of Disney’s Frozen, as Let It Go was the last played track.

What’s more, Cash also took some pictures of the About page on the infotainment. That’s where Tesla vehicles say which software version they are running.

On this Model S, the software was v11.0, with a development version of 2022.40.50. According to Tesla-Info, the current software version on consumer vehicles is 2022.40.

That means the Model S is running software that isn’t far from release. The pictures from Cash show Santa Claus on a sleigh on the Software Version page, which probably indicates this is the holiday update for this year.

Tesla released a holiday update in 2021 that included a customizable app launcher, simplified controls, a better blind spot camera, and a choreographed light show.

It looks like this year’s holiday update will bring Apple Music, which will need Tesla’s $9.99 monthly Premium Connectivity package.

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience at KnowTechie, SlashGear and XDA Developers. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere, with particular focus in gadgetry and handheld gaming. Shoot him an email at

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