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Netflix has the best original content according to a new survey

It looks like all the money Netflix pumps into original content is paying off.

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Image: Unsplash

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With so many streaming services available, many platforms use original content to help attract viewers to the platform. Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney Plus are some of the prime examples. Now, according to a new Morgan Stanley survey, Netflix hosts the best original programming.

The Morgan Stanley survey, which Variety reported on, asked 3,100 people questions regarding streaming services, with one of the major highlights of it revolving around original shows and movies. According to the survey, 39% of those surveyed said Netflix had the best original content.

Amazon Prime came in second place, with 12% of people saying it had the best. Rounding out the top three were Disney Plus and Hulu, each having 7% of the votes.

These numbers are in line with overall streaming stats from the survey. It is noted that 58% of respondents said they have Netflix, 45% have Amazon Prime Video, and 31% have Disney Plus.

Netflix’s dominance shouldn’t be but so surprising, the streaming giant has been creating original content for nearly a decade and spends billions to produce its own shows and movies. According to a recent financial report, Netflix will spend $19 billion on original content in 2021.

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