This company buys older iPhones and transforms them into modern works of art
If you’re stumped on what to hang up on your wall, well, here you go.

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I bought my first home a little over a year ago, and if you were to walk in today, you’d think I’d just moved in a couple of months ago.
Sure, there aren’t any moving boxes all over the place or misplaced furniture, but I’m more so talking more about personalization— art, pictures, memorabilia – things of that nature. During the time I’ve been living here, I’ve hung one piece of art up on a wall. That’s it.
Of course, there’s a reason for my procrastination. I literally have no idea what I want to hang up or where to get it from. Sure, there are tons of options online that I can choose from, but when I’m presented with a ton of choices, I usually overwhelm myself and call it a day and hopefully remember to revisit the task at hand another day.
Thankfully, the folks at Grid swooped in and presented me with one of the coolest options I’ve never even considered: An old iPhone 4S broken down and placed inside a picture frame.

That’s right; this company is repurposing older iPhones and other electronics into beautiful works of art. This particular model is constructed from parts of an old 4S. Each of the phone’s 40 pieces is placed and glued on a white background, complete with measurements and labels, so you know exactly what each piece is. There’s even a copied Steve Jobs autograph in there too to impress your friends.
So yea, that’s pretty much it. It’s an old smartphone transformed into a modern work of art. Pretty cool, right? A lot of folks seem to think so too. I’ve had a couple of guests come over to the house and marvel at it like they’ve never seen an iPhone before. But that’s the genius of it. We’re so used to seeing the outside of these things that when we see the engineering that goes behind the scenes, that’s a form of art in itself.
All in all, this is a great way to repurpose older smartphones. Instead of recycling them or finding their way into the trash, Grid is repurposing these into works of art. With more phones being launched year after year, I can imagine they’ll be busy for years to come. So you have to hand it to them; this is a great idea.

I’m extremely happy with the sample Grid sent over to us. It’s hanging up on my wall right now, and I imagine I’ll be adding more to the collection as time goes by. This particular iPhone 4S model (aka GRID 4S) costs $169, but the company has a wide variety to choose from. One particular model I have my eyes set on is the $229 Game Boy Pocket. I’m not going to lie – I NEED it. But again, there’s plenty to choose from via Grid Studio’s website here.
If you’re like me and need art to slap on your walls and literally have no idea where to start, I highly suggest checking out what Grid has to offer. But, even if you don’t need what they have, these make for great tech gifts too. I know I’d be happy to get one of these. I’m sure you or someone you know will too.
🚨 Grid is offering KnowTechie readers an exclusive 15% discount on all of their products. Just enter code KT15 at checkout to get the discount.
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A sample was provided to KnowTechie for the purpose of this review.
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