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How to update iPhone apps

It’s always a good idea to keep your iOS apps updated.

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Image: KnowTechie

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If you have an iPhone, you probably have it stuffed with many different apps, but it’s important to know how to update them for the best experience possible.

Apple gives you multiple different options for updating your apps. One of the best options is setting up automatic updates, so you don’t even have to think about it.

If you prefer to have more control, you can also do the process manually. But typically, setting up apps to update automatically is preferred.

Regardless, we’ll show you how to update iPhone apps automatically and manually below.

How to update iPhone apps manually

Manually updating the apps on an iPhone is a straightforward task you can do via the App Store. Here’s how you can do it: 

  1. Go to the App Store
ios app store icon on an iphone screen
Image: KnowTechie
  1. Open your profile from the icon in the top-right corner
screenshot of ios app store
Image: KnowTechie
  1. Make a swipe-down gesture – this will start a scan for the newest updates
  1. From there, you can update apps one by one by hitting the update button next to them. You can also update every app by tapping the Update All button
screenshot of ios app store update button
Image: KnowTechie

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Now all you need to do is wait until your iPhone finishes updating your apps. Below, we’ll show you how to set your apps to update automatically so you don’t have to remember anything.

How to automatically update iPhone apps

Apple also allows you to automatically update iPhone apps with Automatic Updates. Here’s how to access and enable it on iOS:

  1. Unlock your screen and tap on the Settings app
ios settings app
Image: KnowTechie
  1. Scroll until you find App Store in the list
screenshot of ios settings showing app store settings
Image: KnowTechie
  1. Tap on App Store and enable Automatic Updates
screenshot of ios settings app showing automatic updates for apps
Image: KnowTechie

Now, your iPhone will automatically check for updates periodically.

Apple staggers updates so that its servers don’t get congested by every iPhone in the world downloading the latest updates.

READ MORE: How to update your iPhone

That means you might still see apps waiting for an update, even with the automatic setting toggled on.

How to update stock apps

Each iPhone has a selection of stock apps baked into iOS, like Safari and Mail. Because of that, you can only update them by updating iOS. Here’s how:

Open the Settings app on your iPhone ios settings app
Tap on General>Software Update  ios 14 settings software update for iphone
Tap on Download and Install ios 15.4 update how to on iphone

It is also possible to have your iPhone download and install system updates on its own.

Simply tap on Automatic Updates on the Software Update screen and toggle on Download iOS Updates and Install iOS Updates.

Keep your iOS apps updated for the best iPhone experience

At the end of the day, you’ll want to keep your apps updated. Not only do you get the latest features and improvements, but you also protect yourself from potential bugs and security issues.

Turning on automatic updates is a great way to ensure everything is fresh and modern.

But manually updating your apps may be the way to go if you are concerned about iPhone storage space or losing a feature.

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience at KnowTechie, SlashGear and XDA Developers. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere, with particular focus in gadgetry and handheld gaming. Shoot him an email at

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